BYU is a University: A Case Against the Petition to “Bring Back Christ-Centered Education”

I graduated from BYU in 2008, and reflecting upon the students who attended, most of them reminded me of myself. Most students were typical Latter-day Saint youth who came to the school because they wanted to prepare themselves for the workforce in an environment that encouraged gospel living. The prospect of possibly meeting a spouseContinue reading “BYU is a University: A Case Against the Petition to “Bring Back Christ-Centered Education””

Trump’s Complete Incompetence is our Greatest Protection Against Tyranny.

Trump’s recent decision to use tear gas and rubber bullets against peaceful protesters for a photo op is yet another example of his misuse of power. The President has positioned himself as perhaps the most corrupt and self-aggrandizing President that America has ever witnessed. This specific action is not anomalous to his character. Within theContinue reading “Trump’s Complete Incompetence is our Greatest Protection Against Tyranny.”

The San Francisco 49ers Mascot Indicates Ongoing Legacy of Settler-Colonialism that Silences Indigenous Voice

  In just a few hours, the Kansas City Chiefs will play the San Francisco 49ers in the 54th Super Bowl. Many Native Americans are reminding the public on social media that the Kansas City mascot is racist, but people must also assess the legacy of the San Francisco mascot as well. The story ofContinue reading “The San Francisco 49ers Mascot Indicates Ongoing Legacy of Settler-Colonialism that Silences Indigenous Voice”

Christmas Message: Meeting at Junctures in the Present

In this very moment, as you are reading this sentence, you and I are making a connection. Though I may not be able to read your mind, the way that you are reading this paragraph, you are witnessing a thought that I once had. We have met at a juncture within time, and for thatContinue reading “Christmas Message: Meeting at Junctures in the Present”

Republican Lawmakers Aren’t the Problem, You Are

There is little I loathe more than coming to the defense of politicians, and my nausea is multiplied tenfold when they are republican lawmakers. However, I must give credit where it is due.

Republicans Love Actors

The Republican Party is famous for turning to movie stars for its political leaders. Many of us are aware that prior to his presidency and governorship, Ronald Reagan was a film actor who starred in many feature films. He is not alone; many republican actors have held office. A few other famous actors include ArnoldContinue reading “Republicans Love Actors”

“Struggles” to Recruit Workers

I picked up a copy of The Oklahoman today and read the headline, “Census struggles to recruit workers.” Honestly, this is the kind of phrase that really bugs me. While employees want to make as much money as they can with in their qualifications, on the opposite end, employers want to pay as little asContinue reading ““Struggles” to Recruit Workers”